Cosmic Origins
Searching for answers about our universe and its origins

Program News and Announcements

14 August 2018

Shedding Light on the End of Dark Ages: Defining an Enlightening Roadmap

COPAG Splinter Session at AAS meeting, Seattle, January 2019

Over the past decade there has been considerable activity within the community to understand how the first stars and galaxies formed, and how they shaped the initial structure of the Universe through reionization. The COPAG is interested in developing a strategic plan to address the best techniques, facilities, and data to address this foundation science element, since it has featured prominently in the science drivers for ongoing mission concept studies such as LUVOIR, HabEx, Lynx, and OST. The COPAG will hold a splinter session at the Winter AAS in Seattle to shape how such a plan should be defined and what goals it should set. Please plan on joining us to do this. If you would be interested in participating please send a note to Susan Neff ( to let us know.

8 July 2024
Cosmic Origins Virtual Town Hall | July 10th, 2024, 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET
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Astrophysics Program Advisory Council (APAC) Meeting | July 23rd – 24th, 9:00am – 5:00pm ET
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Cosmic Pathfinders Program: Cosmic Chatter Series | Recordings
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Cosmic Origins Science Highlight | Alignment of Bipolar Jets Confirms Star Formation Theories
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