Cosmic Origins
Searching for answers about our universe and its origins

Program News and Announcements

18 December 2023

COR & COPAG Sessions at the AAS Winter Meeting

Please see all of the sessions and activities below and join us at the AAS winter meeting! Session agendas, locations, and times are below. Please see the meeting link on the COR website for up to date information on session agendas and connection information.

We are also happy to share additional opportunites to interact with the Cosmic Origns Office that include a special Astronomy on Tap evening and the newly formed NASA Cosmic Pathfinders Program for students & early-career scientists.

PhysCOS & COR on Tap at 243rd AAS Meeting

If you’re attending the next AAS Winter Meeting in New Orleans, consider joining us for a special “Astronomy on Tap” evening on Saturday 6 January 2024, taking place in The Den at the Howlin’ Wolf, beginning at 7p Central. We’ll be enjoying two accessible science talks on topics related to Physics of the Cosmos (by Ryan Hickox, Dartmouth University) and Cosmic Origins (by Rachael Beaton, STScI), as well as a trivia game, with prizes for audience participation. See here for information about all PhysCOS events at the 243rd AAS Meeting.

NASA Cosmic Pathfinders Program: Hack Your Career for Students & Early-Careers
Monday, 8 January 2024 1:00pm – 2:30pm CT

This special session will provide an overview of the new Cosmic Pathifnders Program (formally known as Cosmic Explorers) and its leadership. The session will also provide participants to join the newly established program. Additionally, the session will include engagement on how to “hack your career,” shedding light on career maturation strategies and how to present your most complete self within astrophysics.

UVSTIG: Mind the Gap – Science Drivers for UV Spectroscopy Missions in the Gap Years
Tuesday, 9 January 2024 9:30pm – 11:30pm CT

The AAS Splinter Session, "Mind the Gap," is intended to solicit and discuss community input into near-term science drivers for UV spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry, comparing these drivers to the currently proposed, planned, and conceptual UV missions. In particular we are interested in learning if any of the currently conceived missions can satisfy these community science drivers as designed or with feasible modifications.

Attendance is open to all AAS meeting participants. Students and early career astrophysicists are the researchers who will use future UV missions and are especially invited to participate.

8 July 2024
Cosmic Origins Virtual Town Hall | July 10th, 2024, 12:00 – 1:00 pm ET
»  Details
Astrophysics Program Advisory Council (APAC) Meeting | July 23rd – 24th, 9:00am – 5:00pm ET
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Cosmic Pathfinders Program: Cosmic Chatter Series | Recordings
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Cosmic Origins Science Highlight | Alignment of Bipolar Jets Confirms Star Formation Theories
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