24 February 2023
The Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) at Stanford is rolling out a post-baccalaureate fellowship program.
The KIPAC post-baccalaureate fellowship is a 15-month paid research program in physics and astronomy. The program will provide a mentored research experience in astrophysics and cosmology with a research team at KIPAC, an institute hosted by Stanford University and SLAC National Laboratory. Program participants will receive additional career-advising and professional development to prepare them to succeed in a PhD graduate program in physics or astronomy.
This program aims to provide recent college graduates with more research experience, increasing their access to competitive graduate programs in physics and astronomy. Selected scholars will be offered a paid position to conduct astrophysical research with KIPAC scientists for at least 12 months, starting from June 2023. We strongly encourage candidates who have not had extensive research opportunities at their undergraduate institutions and candidates from historically underrepresented or disadvantaged backgrounds to apply.
Applications submitted by March 15, 2023 will receive full consideration, and detailed program information can be found on this webpage.
Reach out to kipac-postbac@stanford.edu or Dr. Enrique Lopez Rodriguez, Senior Research Scientist at KIPAC/Stanford, elopezrodriguez@stanford.edu for more information.