Cosmic Origins
Searching for answers about our universe and its origins

Program News and Announcements

5 February 2024

Inclusion Plan Requirements Town Hall 3 – 4:30 pm Eastern Time

On February 20, 2024, at 3 PM Eastern, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Inclusion Plan Community of Practice will host a webinar to discuss requirements for and evaluation of Inclusion Plans in ROSES-2024. Inclusion, defined as the full participation, belonging, and contribution of organizations and individuals, is a core NASA value and SMD has been piloting the addition of Inclusion Plans for some program elements in Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES). At their core, Inclusion Plans are designed to raise awareness of barriers to creating and sustaining positive, inclusive working environments and to get proposers actively thinking about ways to foster diverse and inclusive practices for their research and mission teams.

Starting in ROSES-2023, Inclusion Plan requirements were standardized for all participating program elements. Beginning in ROSES-2024, the evaluation processes for these plans has also been standardized.

The webinar will discuss the following topics:

  • Motivation and goals of Inclusion Plans,
  • Describe Inclusion Plan requirements and how they differ from previous years, and
  • Discuss how Inclusion Plans will be evaluated.

In advance of the webinar, questions may be submitted and upvoted on at: Dashboard For more resources for Inclusion Plans, please visit: Inclusion Plan Resources The webinar will be broadcast live via WebEx. Connection details follow:

Join from the webinar link. More information about this event and future public town halls can be found at the link below. SMD Community Town Hall Meetings
8 July 2024
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