Cosmic Origins
Searching for answers about our universe and its origins

Program News and Announcements

24 January 2024

Sign Up for Joining Working Groups for Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO)!

The Science, Technology, Architecture Review Team (START) and Technical Assessment Group (TAG) are guiding the maturation of the Habitable Worlds Observatory.

The Science, Technology, Architecture Review Team (START) is tasked with:

  • Quantify HWO’s science objectives using Astro2020’s guidance
  • Outline the observatory and instrument capabilities needed to accomplish those goals.
  • Develop the science goals and objectives portions of the Science Traceability Matrix.
  • Assess the fidelity of models needed in the future to execute future trades.

The Technical Assessment Group (TAG) is tasked with:

  • Study architecture options.
  • Identify and assess the mission architectures and technologies needed to enable those options.
  • Evaluate the risks associated with those options

The START and TAG have recently organized several working groups on science, technology, and engineering associated with HWO and are now seeking community co-chairs and working group members from across the community.

NOW is an excellent time to sign up to get involved with the new HWO Working Groups!

  • Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join working groups!
  • See the HWO website for descriptions of each working group: GOMAP Community Working Groups
  • Fill out the application form (link on HWO website).
  • Contact the GIG if you have any questions
  • Application Components:
    • Name
    • Institution (“self” is fine for those without formal affiliations)
    • Career Stage (early career researchers are encouraged to apply!)
    • Citizenship (required only for subgroups dealing with ITAR/EAR material)
    • Check boxes of groups you would like to join or co-chair NASA GOMAP Website
    • For potential co-chairs:
      • Blurb about interest and research background
      • Summary of leadership experience

There is a Code of Conduct & Reporting Protocol for GOMAP-HWO activities, and all participants must adhere to the NASA Astrophysics Statement of Principles, which includes the AAS Code of Ethics.

To subscribe to the HWO News mailing list, see instructions at: GOMAP Community

8 July 2024
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