Abstract: Most galaxies in the local Universe accrete at rates far below their Eddington limit. JWST is the most sensitive telescope for detecting these low-luminosity AGN, but identifying them requires quantifying their unique signatures. JWST can also probe the changes in AGN structure that occur at low luminosities through both the IR continuum as well as coronal lines that are formed from the UV ionizing spectrum. ReveaLLAGN is a a study of 7 nearby low-luminosity AGN with IFUs on NIRSpec and MIRI; these objects will serve as templates for more distant objects, and provide a first look at the SED and emission line properties of low-luminosity AGN in the mid-IR. We present initial results from Sombrero and NGC1052 in this talk, contrasting these objects with Spitzer observations of higher luminosity AGN and the JWST observation of NGC7319.
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