Cosmic Origins
Searching for answers about our universe and its origins

Active Galactic Nuclei Science Interest Group

Events: Seminar

Dust in the Central Parsecs of AGNs

30 August 2022, 12:00pm – 1:00pm Eastern
Almudena Prieto

Abstract: I will discuss the new challenges that parsec-scale observations in the IR, when combined with comparable physical scales in radio, millimetre, optical, UV, and X-ray of the nearest AGN, are posing to us regarding the nature of the nuclear emission, the ubiquitous presence of nuclear dust filaments, and the role of these filaments as accretion drivers. The way these observations challenge the requirement of a torus and question one of its fundamental attributes, which is the collimation of the nuclear radiation, will be discussed.

Find the schedule and list of speakers on our website

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