Cosmic Origins
Searching for answers about our universe and its origins

Infrared Science and Technology Integration Group

IR STIG Workshops

Far-Infrared Next Generation Instrumentation Community Workshop

  • If you were awarded 200 hrs on SOFIA or a series of many balloon campaigns what would you do with that time?
  • What science areas are not being addressed by our current far-IR (20 – 600 micron) platforms?
  • Where are our critical technology gaps?

We want to hear from you! Please bring your answers to those questions, and share your ideas to shape how we collect future Far-IR data at the Far-Infrared Next Generation Instrument Community Workshop, at Caltech, on Thursday March 23, 2017, 8:30am – 5pm PST.

A map to Room 410, Spalding, Caltech, can be found here.

Please indicate your intent to attend by filling out this registration form.

Even if you cannot attend the workshop we still want to capture your input on your science needs or questions. They will be a valuable part of the workshop discussion. We will read these during the workshop and capture the responses and discussions in the Workshop minutes.

If you are interested in a tour of SOFIA on Friday, March 24th, we will need additional information to arrange visitor badges and transport to/from Palmdale, CA. Spaces on the van are limited, so please indicate your intent to join the tour here at the end of the registration form available here.

We, as the far-IR community, could face up to a few decades before a space-based far-IR telescope once again adds to our growing knowledge of the Solar System, our Galaxy, and the Universe beyond.

  • How can we be better at utilizing our existing platforms, including SOFIA, balloon-based platforms, sounding rockets, and the emerging field of reusable suborbital vehicles?
  • How can we get our technology ready for the next great far-IR leap?

We are specifically soliciting community input in shaping the next opportunity for new instrumentation: SOFIA Next Gen Instrument call to come out in summer 2017 in ROSES. Discussions after lunch include lessons learned as we strive to better innovate this particular platform, plus how to better use balloons and suborbital vehicles in future calls.

With thanks from the FIR SIG chairs,
Duncan Farrah & JD Smith

Online Streaming

The Far-Infrared Next Generation Instrumentation Community Workshop will be streamed online through WebEx. You can join online here to meeting number 198 726 166. Or, call in for an audio connection at +1-855-749-4750 (US toll free) or +1-415-655-0001 using the access code: 198 726 166.


Time Event Speaker
8:30am Coffee & Pastries
9:00am Workshop Introduction & Scope [PDF] Kimberly Ennico
9:30am What you don't know about SOFIA [PDF] Hal Yorke
10:00am What may balloons be doing next? [PDF] Chris Walker
10:30am Coffee Break
11:00am Using multiple platforms for Far-IR technology development [PDF] Carl Ferkinhoff
11:30am Discussion Introduction & Lessons Learned [PDF] Kimberly Ennico
11:45am Part 1 - Our Future Are there specific areas that we need to see emphasized in future Far-IR (ROSES, etc.) calls? [PDF] Moderator: Paul Goldsmith
12:15pm Lunch List of local restaurants here
1:30pm Part 2 - Shaping the Next Generation What do you want your SOFIA Observatory to achieve next? Upcoming ROSES opportunity  
3:15pm Coffee Break
3:45pm Part 3 - Shaping access above 80,000 feet (24 km)  
4:45pm Wrap-up and Adjourn [PDF] Kimberly Ennico

Who is coming? See the list of currently registered participants.


Currently registered participants:
Updated March 17, 2017

Name Institution
David Ardila The Aerospace Corporation
Eric Becklin SOFIA/USRA
Jeff Booth JPL
Matt Bradford JPL/Caltech
Michael DiPirro NASA/GSFC
Kimberly Ennico NASA Ames
Jason Glenn University of Colorado Boulder
Paul Goldsmith JPL
Lois Harbaugh Teacher
Andrew Helton USRA
Doug Johnstone NRC-Canada/Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics
Boris Karasik JPL
William Langer JPL-Caltech
Steven Lord SETI Institute
Franck Marchis SETI Institute
Peregrine M. McGehee Independent
Imran Mehdi JPL/Caltech
Susan Neff NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Jorge Pineda Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Alan Rhodes SOFIA Science Instrument Development Manager
Tom Roellig NASA Ames Research Center
Ravi Sankrit SOFIA Science Center/USRA
Kartik Sheth NASA HQ
Bernhard Schulz Caltech
Keeyoon Sung JPL/Caltech
Kate Su University of Arizona
Pasquale Temi NASA Ames Research Center
Marco Viero KIPAC/Stanford
Umut Yildiz JPL
Harold Yorke USRA-SOFIA
Erick Young USRA
Chris Walker University of Arizona
Eddie Zavala NASA ARC SOFIA Program Manager
Jonas Zmuidzinas Caltech
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