29 August 2012
On May 25, 2012, NASA released a Request for Information (RFI), NNH12ZDA008L, to solicit information pertaining to potential ultraviolet (UV) and visible wavelength astrophysics science investigations. Specifically, NASA sought information that can be used to develop a cohesive set of science goals that motivate and support the development of the next generation of UV/Visible space astrophysics missions and requisite technologies. Information could include broad science goals, justifications for investigation that support COR science goals, specific measurements or proxy observing plans for well-defined astrophysical experiments, or any aspect of scientific inquiry in the UV/Visible that supports the above COR goals.
On August 10, 2012, this solicitation closed, with a total of 34 compliant responses submitted. In this document, we summarize the submissions from the point of view of top-level science performance drivers (such as wavelength range, field of view, or the requirement for temporal sampling) in order to provide a means of quick comparison between responses. This summary is not guaranteed to be comprehensive and is the result of subjective analysis of the responses. Any errors are ours alone, and shall be corrected online to provide the most accurate list possible; consult the RFI web site for this and other information. The entire set of submissions and summary are available in a single 34MB PDF online at RFI 2012 Submissions.
A community workshop will be held at STScI on September 18, 2012, to discuss these responses and to work toward a cohesive set of science drivers for the next NASA UV/Visible mission concept. This workshop can be attended virtually or in person.
The process of handling this RFI was accomplished by several people whose contributions we acknowledge here: Mario Perez (COR Program Scientist), John Gagosian (COR Program Executive), Ruth Carter (UV/Visible Study Manager), Beth Keer (COR Deputy Program Manager), Pat Tyler, Aaron McClesky, Michele Smith, and Susan Keddie.
We wish to thank the 222 individual respondents identified in the RFI submissions. It is a testimony to the vibrancy of the field that so many people contributed to this effort.
Dominic Benford Chief Scientist Cosmic Origins Program Office |
Susan Neff Deputy Chief Scientist Cosmic Origins Program Office |
August 29, 2012 |