Cosmic Chatter is a series of regularly scheduled, virtual/online colloquia aimed at an earlycareer science audience. These events will feature prepared remarks from an invited speaker as well as time for discussion and programmatic announcements. Presentation topics will consist of a combination of astrophysics research, as well as professional development topics relevant to this early-career audience. Examples of professional development topics include dealing with imposter syndrome, and how to communicate science effectively. The series will run during a fall term (September – December) and a spring term (January – May). Events will be ninety minutes duration, and will be scheduled monthly. Events will be managed and run by the Program Office, in consultation with student leadership on presenters and topics.
Furthermore, a unique aspect to the activities of the program will be technical hack-a-thons that offer participants the opportunity to learn relevant tools and techniques for analyzing NASA mission & archival datasets.
Cosmic Pathfinders will maintain a presence at professional society events that are supported by the Cosmic Origins Program Office. Notably, these societies include the American Astronomical Society (AAS), National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP), American Physical Society (APS), Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), and other societal organizations that regularly interface with NASA.
Members of the program who are at the same university may self-organize into student chapters. Such groups further galvanize the engagement of students with NASA astrophysics. Chapters are modeled after similar campus organizations such as the Society of Physics Students. Chapters may host regular meetings to discuss relevant prevailing academic and professional issues and focus on developing essential scientific, mathematical, and interdisciplinary skills. They present a unique opportunity for students to connect with a national network of astronomers, astrophysicists, and space scientists, and foster a sense of belonging within the larger scientific community.