Cosmic Origins
Searching for answers about our universe and its origins

The Cosmic Pathfinders Program

Petition for Cosmic Pathfinders Chapter

Members of the program who are at the same university or institution may self-organize into chapters upon completion of NASA Cosmic Pathfinders (NASA CPP) chapter petition form and required materials. Such groups further galvanize the engagement of students with NASA astrophysics. Chapters are modeled after similar campus organizations (e.g., Society of Physics Students, NSBE, SACNAS, etc). Chapters may host regular meetings to discuss relevant prevailing academic and professional issues and focus on developing essential scientific, mathematical, and interdisciplinary skills. They present a unique opportunity for students to connect with a national network of astronomers, astrophysicists, and space scientists, and foster a sense of belonging within the larger scientific community.

Students and early-careers interested in a NASA CPP chapter must fill out the NASA Cosmic Pathfinders Program Statement of Interest Form BEFORE chapter approval.

Interested students, early-careers in STEM, and professionals can interface and join the dedicated LinkedIn group here to further connect with others: NASA Cosmic Pathfinders LinkedIn Group

Follow the link for more information about the program.

Reach out to Dr. Ronald Gamble ( or the Leadership Council for further inquiries or questions.

NASA Cosmic Pathfinders Program Early-Career Leaders 2024 – 2025

Petition for NASA Cosmic Pathfinders Program Chapter

Chapter Qualifications

I. Institutional Requirements for Cosmic Pathfinders Chapters

Requirement 1: A NASA Cosmic Pathfinders chapter may exist at any institute of higher learning that meets the following requirements:

  • Regularly offers an accredited curriculum program that offers physics or chemistry or mathematics or engineering or computer science or astronomy.
  • Offers at minimum a two-year degree program that satisfies the above curriculum requirement.

Requirement 2: All NASA Cosmic Pathfinders chapters shall be designated by their official institution name* in which they are established.

  • *Chapter “nicknames,” “informal names,” or “colloquial names” will be reviewed and accepted upon a case by case basis. Informal chapter naming is encouraged to promote a sense of belonging in the NASA Astrophysics community.

Note: A university / institution is not allowed to have more than one NASA Cosmic Pathfinders chapter; it is recommended that you check the directory Petition for NASA Cosmic Pathfinders Program Chapter before beginning the application process.

II. Membership Requirements for Cosmic Pathfinders Chapters

Requirement 1: The establishment of a NASA Cosmic Pathfinders chapter will be required to identify NASA Cosmic Pathfinders chapter president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary on the petition form Petition for NASA Cosmic Pathfinders Program Chapter. Your chapter may establish additional officer roles, such as Outreach Officer or Professional Development Officer. All additional positions added to your chapter must be filled by active Cosmic Pathfinders Program members.

  • First and last names, school/institution email, major, and year / classification is required in this section. President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Community Engagement Lead, etc.
  • Five (5) officers plus five (5) general members, for a total of ten (10) members, are required for chapter establishment. Officers are included in total member count. Please refer to CPP Leadership if unsure before submitting.

Requirement 2: The establishment of a NASA Cosmic Pathfinders chapter will be required to identify a chapter advisor (letter of support required when chapter petition is accepted).

  • Postdoctoral members may fill one of these roles but cannot serve as both the chapter advisor and as an additional officer.

Chapter Code of Conduct

Requirement 1: The establishment of a NASA Cosmic Pathfinders chapter requires that members share an enthusiasm and commitment to

  • Promote open dialogue, nurture professional growth, and broaden horizons, aligned with the motivations of the NASA Cosmic Pathfinders Program.
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