26 May 2020
The NASA Cosmic Origins Program Analysis Group Executive Committee (COPAG EC) is soliciting input on the impacts of COVID-19 on Cosmic Origins research, with special focus on the preparation and submission of proposals for the Astrophysics Data Analysis Program (ADAP).
Please find the Survey Here: Google Form
The goal of this 5–10 minute survey is to provide analysis useful for informing programmatic strategies by the Astrophysics Division to better support researchers through this time. Results based on analysis of the survey data will only be presented in aggregate, and will preserve anonymity. The COPAG EC thanks the ExoPAG and PhysPAG Executive Committees for feedback on gathering this input from the community.
This survey closes on Monday, June 5, 2020.
The plan is to present results from the survey to the Astrophysics Advisory Committee at their next meeting schedule for June 23 – 24, 2020.